Erdrich Heid E

Heid E. Erdrich

Heid E. Erdrich (November 26, 1963-) is an Ojibwe of the Turtle Mountain Band. She grew up in North Dakota. Both of her parents taught at the Bureau of Indian Affairs boarding school. She studied Literature and Creative Writing at Dartmouth College, earning her B.A. in 1986. She then earned two master’s degrees, one in poetry and one in fiction, from Johns Hopkins University. Erdrich herself is a teacher and has held positions at Johns Hopkins University, the University of St. Thomas, and Augsburg University.

Erdrich writes poetry, short stories, and nonfiction. Her other creative endeavors include video poems, which are a multi-media presentation of poetry, and art curation. Heritage is an important feature of Erdrich’s writing, but she also writes about spirituality, motherhood, history, and biology, weaving multifaceted meanings together in award-winning poetry and fiction. In 2009, her poetry collection National Monuments won the Minnesota Book Award. She has also written a cookbook focused on indigenous ingredients and recipes.

More information on Heid E. Erdrich from the Minnesota Writers Directory.