
Poul Anderson

Selected Bibliography

Brain Wave (1954)

Time Patrol (1955)

The Broken Sword (1954)

Murder in Black Letter (1960)

The High Crusade (1961)

After Doomsday (1962)

The Star Fox (1965)

Tau Zero (1970)

Operation Chaos (1971)

Conan the Rebel (1980)

The Boat of a Million Years (1989)

Poul Anderson (November 25, 1926-July 31, 2001) and his family moved many times when he was a child. He was born in Pennsylvania, but his father took the family to Texas for ten years. After the death of his father, Anderson’s mother moved the family to Denmark. When World War II started, Anderson and his family moved to a Minnesota farm. Later, Anderson attended the University of Minnesota where he earned a degree in physics. Despite his degree, Anderson worked as a freelance writer. In 1953, Anderson and his wife moved to California where he remained until his death.

Anderson is best known for his speculative fiction novels and stories, but he also wrote historical novels and mysteries. His first stories were published while he was still at the University of Minnesota. He received the SFWA Grand Master Award in 1978 and was inducted into the Science Fiction and Fantasy Hall of Fame in 2000, one year before his death on July 31, 2001. He also won several Hugo Awards and several Nebula Awards. Some of Anderson’s novels include Tao Zero, The Boat of a Million Years, and The Broken Sword.