Thomas Gifford

Selected Bibliography

The Wind Chill Factor (1974)

The Cavanaugh Quest (1976)

The Glendower Legacy (1978)

The Woman Who Knew Too Much as Dana Clarins (1986)

The Saberdene Variations as Thomas Maxwell (1987)

The First Sacrifice (1994)

Thomas Gifford (May 16, 1937-October 31, 2000) was born in Dubuque, Iowa. After he graduated from Harvard, he and his family moved to the Twin Cities. There, Gifford worked as a travelling textbook salesman for a time. He wrote his first book, Benchwarmer Bob, after his time as a travelling salesman and continued writing until his death. He lived in LA and New York for a time, but, eventually, Gifford returned to Iowa to renovate his childhood home.

Several of Gifford’s books are set in Minnesota or the greater Midwest, including Benchwarmer Bob, which is a biography of Bob Lurtsema, a former Minnesota Vikings player. In addition to his own name, Gifford published under two pseudonyms: Dana Clarins and Thomas Maxwell. His book Cavanaugh Quest was nominated for an Edgar Award, and his book The Glendower Legacy was adapted into the 1981 movie Dirty Tricks. Gifford’s main genre was thriller.