
Vilhelm Moberg

Selected Bibliography

Memory of Youth (1938)

Ride This Night (1941)

When I Was A Child (1944)

The Emigrants (1949)

The Unknown Swedes: A Book About Swedes and America, Past and Present (1950)

Unto a Good Land (1952)

The Settlers (1956)

The Last Letter Home (1959)

A Time on Earth (1963)

A History of the Swedish People: From Prehistory to Renaissance (1970)

A History of the Swedish People: From Renaissance to Revolution (1971)

Vilhelm Moberg (August 20, 1898-August 8, 1973) was born and died in Sweden, but he travelled to Chisago, Minnesota to research his book series The Emigrants. He was born in Småland, Sweden, and grew up in the countryside. After American relatives sent the Moberg’s money, they were able to repossess a family farm that had been taken away years earlier due to poverty. Young Vilhelm received only minimal schooling, but he was a voracious reader and was published by thirteen years old. He had a chance to emigrate from Sweden to America but decided to stay home and pursue further education. He never attained a degree, however, due to weakness from the Spanish Flu. After recovering, Moberg found success in journalism, playwriting, and novel writing.

The Emigrants series—and its first novel of the same name—is Moberg’s most well-known work outside of Sweden. The series depicts the journey of a Swedish family of emigrants as they relocate to Minnesota in the hopes of a more prosperous life. His honest portrayal of the struggles and joys of emigrant life gives valuable insight into the Swedish heritage of many Minnesotans.